Who are we?
Members of the Greek Peak Ski Patrol are a highly trained team of skiing, telemark, and snowboarding enthusiasts. Majority of our patrol are volunteers. We all have a passion for the outdoors, and most importantly we have a passion for public service and ski safety. We have been serving the Cortland, NY area since 1945.
Greek Peak Ski Patrol Mission Statement,
“To serve the public and the ski industry
by providing exceptional educational services
so that the membership can deliver emergency
care and promote skiing safety.”
Our patrol has distinguished itself over the years by providing leadership to the NSP division, region, and section. Most section officers and advisors have come from Greek Peak, and numerous region advisors have been members of our Patrol.
2024 – 2025 Board Members
Patrol Leader & Director,
Spence “Beaver” Blomfield-Brown (’19)
Matt Lee
Assistant Patrol Leaders:
Jeremy Yohe (’23)
Elizabeth Birch (’23)
Kyle Masi-Perkins (’23)
Vin Maresco (’24)
David Smith (’24)
Appointed Positions:
Larry Close, Treasurer
Happy McClurg, Secretary
Susanna Stumpe, Web Admin
Marc Goebel, Web Admin
Recruiting @ Greek Peak Ski Patrol
We’re always on the lookout for strong skiers, telemark, and snowboarders to join our team. Please visit our Join the Ski Patrol on this site for more information.
“If you want to ski with the crowds,
…buy a lift-ticket.
If you want to ski with the Pros,
…join the Ski Patrol.”